CHTRIPEHKL Information on the processing of personal data pursuant to art. 13 of regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 ("General Data Protection Regulation") and of the Code regarding the protection of personal data (legislative decree 30 June 2003 n. 196).

CHTRIPEHKL Your privacy and the security of your personal data are very important to Tock Black S.r.l.s, which is why we collect and manage your personal data with the utmost care and adopt specific measures to keep them safe.
Below you will find the main information on the processing of your personal data by TOCK BLACK in relation to your browsing of and the use of the services offered.
We also ask you to read the “ General Conditions of Sale ”, which contain detailed information on the conditions relating to our services. Some services may be subject to specific legal terms, in which case we will take care of giving you all the appropriate information from time to time.
Who is the Owner?


For any clarification, question or need related to your privacy or to exercise your rights recognized by the GDPR, you can contact us by sending a request to , by calling 030 7751464 or by writing to headquarters of  TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S VIA MELITO 9 83025 SOLOFRA (AV) ITALY P.IVA 03128620642.

What data do we process and why? CHTriPEHKL
The personal data that TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S processes are those that you provide us when you complete an order and purchase goods, and those that we collect while you browse or use the services offered on TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S can therefore collect data about you such as personal data such as name and surname, shipping address and billing address, navigation data and your purchasing habits.
Your personal data is processed for the following purposes:

  • conclude and execute the contract for the purchase of goods offered on;
  • provide you with services  such as subscribing to the newsletter;
  • allow you to register on the Site and use the services reserved for registered users;
  • manage your requests forwarded to our Customer Service.

CHTRIPEHKL In the cases mentioned above, the processing of your personal data is legitimate as it is necessary to execute a contract with you or to provide you with the service you have specifically requested from us.
We also carry out statistical surveys and analyzes with data in aggregate form to understand how users interact and use the Site, to improve our offer and our services.
Only with your express consent, on the other hand, do we process your personal data to  carry out commercial and promotional communication activities; CHTriPEHKL customize the Site and commercial offers based on your interests.

Who will process your data? CHTRIPEHKL
Your personal data is processed by duly trained personnel of TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S as Data Controller. Furthermore, for organizational and functional needs relating to the provision of services on, your data could be processed by partners chosen by TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S, for these purposes:
- payment processing: if you choose to pay for the order by paypal or by credit card with the Nexi circuit,your data could be sent to the related services to process the payment
- delivery address transmission to the couriers: for the order to be shipped to your home, your data (address and telephone number) will be passed on to the couriers (BRT or UPS) to be able to deliver the order at home
These partners have been evaluated and chosen by TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S for their proven reliability and competence. Some of these subjects may also be based in non-EU countries and, in these cases, the transfer of your personal data to these countries is carried out in compliance with the guarantees provided by law.
How long do we keep your data?
We keep your personal data for a limited period of time which depends on the purpose for which it was collected, at the end of which your personal data will be deleted or in any case rendered anonymous in an irreversible way. The retention period differs depending on the purpose of the processing: for example, the data collected during the purchase of goods on are processed until all administrative and accounting formalities have been completed, and are therefore archived in accordance with local tax legislation (ten years), those used to send you our newsletters until you ask us to stop sending them.
For more information see our Privacy Policy.
What are your rights?
At any time, depending on the specific treatment, you can: revoke your consent to the treatment, know what your personal data is our possession, their origin and how they are used, request their updating, rectification or integration as well as, in the cases provided for by the provisions in force, their cancellation, limitation of treatment or oppose their treatment. If you wish, you can request to receive the personal data held by TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S concerning you in a format readable by electronic devices and, where technically possible, we will be able to transfer your data directly to a third party indicated by you.
If you believe that the processing of your personal data has been carried out unlawfully, you can file a complaint with one of the competent supervisory authorities for compliance with personal data protection rules. In Italy, the complaint can be presented to the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data (
This information may undergo changes and additions over time, we therefore invite you to periodically check its contents. Where possible, we will try to inform you promptly of the changes made.

Owner of treatments
The data controller collected through the website is tock black s.r.l.s with registered office in Italy, Via Melito 9, 83029 Solofra (AV) Italy with share capital of  Euro 20,000.00 int. vers. (hereinafter: " TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S "): it decides autonomously on the purposes and methods of treatment, as well as on the security procedures to be applied to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data.
Optional or mandatory nature of the provision of data: ithe provision to TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S of your personal data that are requested on the various collection occasions may be necessary for the pursuit of the purposes identified in the specific information, or optional. The compulsory or optional nature of the provision is specified from time to time - with reference to the individual information requested - at the time of the individual data collection, by affixing a special character (*) to the information of a mandatory nature.
The any refusal to communicate to TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S some of your data marked as mandatory makes it impossible to pursue the main purpose of the specific collection: such refusal could, for example, make it impossible for TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S to execute the contract for the purchase of products on or to provide the other services available on
The provision of additional data to TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S, other than those marked as essential,however, it is optional and does not entail any consequences in relation to the pursuit of the main purpose of the collection (for example, depending on the case, the use of the website and its services or the purchase of products).

Your rights

You always have the right to obtain from TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S confirmation of the processing or not of personal data concerning you, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form.
You also have the right to obtain information from TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S about the origin of your personal data; the purpose and method of processing your personal data; the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; the identification details of the data controller and data processors; the indication of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as, for example, data controllers. All this information is contained in this Privacy Policy.
Furthermore, you always have the right to obtain from TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S:

  • a) updating, rectification, integration of your personal data;
  • b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of your personal data processed in violation of the law, including those which necessary conservation in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
  • c) the attestation that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to attention, also as regards their content , of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfillment proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.

You have, however, the right to object in whole or in part:

  • a) for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning you, even if pertinent to the purpose of collection;
  • b) to the processing of personal data concerning you for the purpose of sending advertising material or direct marketing or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.
    You can freely and at any time exercise your rights, with a written request addressed to TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S - to the postal address or e-mail address -, to which we will promptly reply.
    To ensure that your personal data is always accurate, up-to-date, relevant and complete, please notify us - at - of any changes that have occurred.

- Art. 130, paragraph 4, Legislative Decree lgs 196/2003
We point out that the legislation on the protection of personal data admits that TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S - without the need to acquire the your express consent - may use your data for direct sales of products similar to those you have already purchased, provided that you do not refuse such use of the e-mail address provided.

- Provision of the Guarantor of 19 June 2008,

in the field of simplification of obligations with respect to processing for administrative and accounting purposes
We also point out that the Guarantor with his own provision has allowed that TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S can use your postal address to send you - together with administrative and accounting documents - advertising relating to products similar to those you have already purchased, provided that you do not refuse such use of the postal address issued.
The minimum information set out here is the minimum information that TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S is obliged to provide you: for any further information relating to the processing of your personal data by TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S , we invite you to read this Privacy Policy in its entirety. The principles on which our privacy policy is based are as follows:

  • process the data exclusively for the purposes and according to the methods illustrated in the information presented at the time of their collection;
  • use the data for purposes other than those for which the data were specifically released only where the express consent of the user is present;< br />
  • make the data available to third-party companies only for purposes instrumental to the provision of the requested service and in the context of an appointment as data controller; not to communicate the data, transfer it or transfer it to third parties for their own treatments without the users having been informed in advance and having given their consent;
  • respond to requests for cancellation, modification, integration of the data provided, opposition to the processing of data for the purpose of sending commercial and advertising information;< br />
  • ensure correct and lawful data management, safeguarding user privacy, as well as apply suitable security measures to protect confidentiality, integrity and the availability of the data provided.


For complete information about the use of cookies on TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S, see the Cookie Policy below. Our site uses automatic data collection systems that are not directly released by the user, such as cookies. The cookie is a device that is transmitted to the user's hard disk; it does not contain comprehensible information but allows the user to be associated with the personal information he releases on the site. Cookies are placed on our server and no one can access the information contained on it. Only TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S processes the information collected through cookies and only in anonymous and aggregated form to optimize its services and site in relation to the specific needs and preferences of its users.
The Internet browser allows you to delete cookies after each session. Your internet browser contains instructions on how to operate these unsubscribe procedures. Consult it.
The acceptance of the automatic data collection procedures and the use of cookies are necessary for the use of the site and its services including the purchase of products. If you have activated the cookie deletion procedure, TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S cannot guarantee you the complete visualization of some web pages or the provision of some services, such as for example the memorization and visualization within the web pages, on your part, of the products chosen by you as part of the online purchase process.

Applicable law< span style="font-size:12pt;color:#000000;">

This Privacy Policy is governed by Italian law and in particular by the Code regarding the protection of personal data (legislative decree 30 June 2003 n. 196 ) and by EU Reg. 2016/679 (GDPR) which govern the processing of personal data - also held abroad - carried out by anyone who is resident or based in Italy.
The Code guarantees that the processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the dignity of the interested party, with particular reference to confidentiality, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data.

TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S may modify or simply update, in whole or in part, the site's Privacy Policy, also in consideration of the modification of the law or regulation that govern this matter and protect your rights.Changes and updates to the Privacy Policy will be notified to users on the Home Page as soon as they are adopted and will be binding as soon as they are published on the website. We therefore ask you to access this section regularly to check the publication of the most recent and updated Privacy Policy.

Cookies policy

TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S uses its own cookies and those of its partners in order to improve the user experience of its site and to collect information for advertising purposes and personalization of content through the analysis of users' browsing habits.

  • For the purposes of your privacy, it is important to remember that TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S cookies never store personal or privacy-protected information .
  • To navigate on TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S it is necessary to use cookies, as they allow you to log in to the site and add products to the cart and complete a purchase.
  • By deactivating cookies, it is not possible to make purchases on TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S.

What are cookies

  • Cookies are small text files that are stored by the browser (for example Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari) on your computer or mobile device.
  • Cookies allow websites to store certain information.
  • Cookies are used to memorize some information relating to the site you are visiting, in order, for example, to recognize a user and behave appropriately, without asking to log in again each time the page is changed, or to store the products in the cart, or the site preferences.

Consent to the use of cookies

  • For technical cookies, user consent is not required.
  • For profiling cookies, both from TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S and from third parties, the user's consent is required.
  • On the first visit to TOCK BLACK S.R.L.S ( the site clearly displays a short information text relating to the consent use of cookies.
  • If the user leaves the site without clicking on any of its elements, or if he clicks on the "More information" link in the disclosure short and which leads to this page, the user has not given his consent to non-technical cookies, which are therefore not installed
  • If instead the user clicks "ok" or continues browsing the site (by clicking on any of its elements), the user gives his consent to the use of cookies.

Cookies used

Tock black uses the following types of cookies:

  • technical cookies
  • session cookie
  • anonymous statistics cookies
  • profiling cookies
  • advertising cookies
  • remarketing and behavioral retargeting cookies
  • statistical cookies in aggregate form
  • social network cookies

All technical cookies do not require consent, therefore they are installed automatically following access to the site.

TECHNICAL COOKIES< span style="font-size:12pt;color:#000000;">

Session: sare cookies that allow you to browse the site, log in, and keep track of the products in your cart. Without these cookies it is not possible to fully use the site as they allow you to log in, put products in your cart, or complete a purchase.


Anonymous statistics cookies: ain order to improve the website, we use Google analytics with anonymized IP, a web traffic analysis service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"), to collect (anonymous) information on how users use the site. For example, which pages you visit, how many pages you view, etc. It is a third-party cookie, precisely from Google. They are defined as anonymous as they cannot be used to identify specific individuals. This information is collected by Google Analytics, which processes it in order to draw up reports regarding the activities on the websites themselves. This site does not use (and does not allow third parties to use) the Google analysis tool to monitor or collect personal identification information. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. The terms of service that all program customers must adhere to prohibit the tracking or collection of personal information (personally identifiable information, such as your name, email address, billing information, or other information that can reasonably be linked to such information) through the use of Google Analytics or the association of these with information on web analytics.

Google Analytics< span style="font-size:12pt;color:#000000;">

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ( "Google"). Google uses the Personal Data collected for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this Application, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google.
Google may use the Personal Data to contextualize and personalize the ads on its network advertising.
This integration of Google Analytics makes your IP address anonymous. Anonymization works by shortening the IP address of the Users.

  • Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage data
  • Place of processing: USA
  • Privacy policy:
  • Opt-Out:


This website uses cookies. We use cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyze our traffic. We also share information about how you use our site with our web analytics, advertising and social media partners,which may combine it with other information that you have provided to them or that they have collected from your use of their services. Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make the user experience more efficient.
The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. For all other types of cookies we need your permission.
This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third party services that appear on our pages. You can change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Declaration on our website at any time.
Find out more about who we are, how you can contact us and how we process personal data in our Privacy Policy. Specify your consent ID and the date when you contacted us regarding your consent.

  • Your consent applies to the following websites:,
  • Your current status: Accept all.

Required (14)

Necessary cookies help make the website usable by enabling its basic functionality such as browsing the pages and accessing protected areas of the site. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.







This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and robots. This is useful for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of the site.

1 giorno

HTTP Cookie



Questo cookie è una parte dei servizi forniti da Cloudflare, tra cui bilanciamento del carico, consegna del contenuto del sito web e connessione DNS per gli operatori del sito web.


HTTP Cookie


Preserva gli stati dell'utente nelle diverse pagine del sito.


HTTP Cookie



Utilizzato per rilevare se il visitatore ha accettato la categoria di marketing nel banner dei cookie. Questo cookie è necessario per la conformità GDPR del sito web.

2 anni

HTTP Cookie

CookieConsent [x2]


Memorizza lo stato del consenso ai cookie dell'utente per il dominio corrente

1 anno

HTTP Cookie


In attesa


HTTP Cookie


In attesa

1 anno

HTTP Cookie


New Relic

Preserva gli stati dell'utente nelle diverse pagine del sito.


HTTP Cookie



Utilizzato per verificare se il browser dell'utente supporta i cookie.

1 giorno

HTTP Cookie


In attesa


HTTP Cookie


È necessario per il corretto funzionamento del supporto Zendesk.


HTML Local Storage



ID univoco che identifica la sessione dell'utente.


HTML Local Storage

Preferenze (5) 

I cookie di preferenza consentono al sito web di memorizzare informazioni che ne influenzano il comportamento o l'aspetto, quali la lingua preferita o la località nella quale ti trovi. 









Permette l'autorizzazione del cookie tra più siti web


HTML Local Storage



Salva le preferenze dell'utente durante la riproduzione di video integrati da Vimeo.

1 anno

HTTP Cookie



Contiene dati sulle preferenze dei contenuti video dei visitatori - Ciò consente al sito web di ricordare parametri come il volume preferito o la qualità video. Il servizio è fornito da


HTML Local Storage


ID univoco che identifica l'utente in caso di visite ricorrenti.


HTML Local Storage



Registra se l'assistente di self-service Zendesk Answer Bot è stato visualizzato all'utente del sito web.


HTML Local Storage

Statistiche (15) 

I cookie statistici aiutano i proprietari del sito web a capire come i visitatori interagiscono con i siti raccogliendo e trasmettendo informazioni in forma anonima.








Registra un ID univoco utilizzato per generare dati statistici su come il visitatore utilizza il sito internet.

2 anni

HTTP Cookie



Utilizzato da Google Analytics per limitare la frequenza delle richieste

1 giorno

HTTP Cookie



Registra un ID univoco utilizzato per generare dati statistici su come il visitatore utilizza il sito internet.

1 giorno

HTTP Cookie



Questo cookie viene utilizzato per contare quante volte un sito è stato visto da diversi visitatori; a tale fine viene assegnato al visitatore un numero identificativo casuale, che consente al visitatore di non essere conteggiato due volte.

1 giorno

HTTP Cookie



Questo cookie viene utilizzato per determinare se il visitatore ha già visitato il sito o se è un nuovo visitatore.

1 giorno

HTTP Cookie


Utilizzato per rilevare se la navigazione e le interazioni dell'utente sono incluse nell'analisi dei dati del sito web.

1 giorno

HTTP Cookie



Registra dati sul comportamento dei visitatori sul sito web. Queste informazioni sono usate per l'analisi interna e l'ottimizzazione del sito web.

1 giorno

HTTP Cookie


Imposta un ID univoco per la sessione. Ciò consente al sito web di ottenere dati sul comportamento dei visitatori a fini statistici.


HTML Local Storage



Raccoglie statistiche sugli accessi al sito internet, come numero di accessi, tempo medio trascorso sul sito internet e quali pagine sono state lette.

1 giorno

HTTP Cookie



Raccoglie statistiche sugli accessi al sito internet, come numero di accessi, tempo medio trascorso sul sito internet e quali pagine sono state lette.

1 anno

HTTP Cookie



Registra dati statistici sul comportamento dei utenti sul sito web. Questi vengono utilizzati per l'analisi interna dall'operatore del sito.


HTTP Cookie


New Relic

Utilizzato per monitorare le prestazioni del sito web a fini statistici.


Pixel Tracker


Imposta un ID univoco per la sessione.Ciò consente al sito web di ottenere dati sul comportamento dei visitatori a fini statistici.


HTML Local Storage


New Relic

In attesa


Pixel Tracker



Raccoglie dati sulle visite dell'utente al sito, come ad esempio quali pagine sono state consultate.

2 anni

HTTP Cookie

Marketing (20)

Marketing cookies they are used to track visitors on websites. The intent is to present advertisements that are relevant and engaging to the individual user and therefore of greater value to third-party publishers and advertisers.







Meta Platforms, Inc.

Used by Facebook for provide a variety of advertising products such as real-time bidding from third-party advertisers.

3 months

HTTP Cookie



Utilizzato da Google AdSense per sperimentare l'efficacia pubblicitaria su tutti i siti web che utilizzano i loro servizi.

3 mesi

HTTP Cookie


Questo cookie viene utilizzato per identificare il visitatore e ottimizzare la rilevanza degli annunci raccogliendo i dati del visitatore da diversi siti internet; questo scambio dei dati del visitatore viene fornito normalmente da un centro dati di terze parti o da un servizio per lo scambio di annunci.


HTML Local Storage



Used by Google AdWords to re-engage visitors that are likely to convert to customers based on the visitor's online behaviour across websites.


Pixel Tracker



Utilizzato da Google DoubleClick per registrare e produrre resoconti sulle azioni dell'utente sul sito dopo aver visualizzato o cliccato una delle pubblicità dell'inserzionista al fine di misurare l'efficacia di una pubblicità e presentare pubblicità mirata all'utente.

1 anno

HTTP Cookie



Remarketing per la piattaforma Ometria, salva: ID visitatore univoco (ID casuale), indirizzo e-mail del contatto se ha identificato, contenuti del carrello durante la navigazione nel sito, sorgente di traffico per questa visita e prima visita, numero di pagine visualizzate,ora del primo e dell'ultimo evento

1 anno

HTTP Cookie



Monitora se l'utente ha mostrato interesse per specifici prodotti o eventi su più siti web e rileva come l'utente naviga tra i siti. Viene usato per valutare le attività pubblicitarie e facilita il pagamento delle commissioni per il reindirizzamento tra i siti.


Pixel Tracker

pagead/landing [x2]


Raccoglie dati sul comportamento dei visitatori da più siti web, al fine di presentare annunci pubblicitari più pertinenti. Ciò consente inoltre al sito web di limitare il numero di volte che un visitatore viene mostrato lo stesso annuncio.


Pixel Tracker



In attesa


Pixel Tracker



Prova a stimare la velocità della connessione dell'utente su pagine con video YouTube integrati.

179 giorni

HTTP Cookie



Registra un ID univoco per statistiche legate a quali video YouTube sono stati visualizzati dall'utente.


HTTP Cookie



Memorizza le preferenze del lettore video dell'utente usando il video YouTube incorporato


HTML Local Storage



Memorizza le preferenze del lettore video dell'utente usando il video YouTube incorporato


HTML Local Storage



Memorizza le preferenze del lettore video dell'utente usando il video YouTube incorporato


HTML Local Storage



Memorizza le preferenze del lettore video dell'utente usando il video YouTube incorporato


HTML Local Storage



Memorizza le preferenze del lettore video dell'utente usando il video YouTube incorporato


HTML Local Storage



Memorizza le preferenze del lettore video dell'utente usando il video YouTube incorporato


HTML Local Storage



Memorizza le preferenze del lettore video dell'utente usando il video YouTube incorporato


HTML Local Storage



Memorizza le preferenze del lettore video dell'utente usando il video YouTube incorporato


HTML Local Storage

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