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    YAMAMOTO ShuraKHAN 200 grammi
    YAMAMOTO ShuraKHAN 200 grammi
    YAMAMOTO ShuraKHAN 200 grammi

    YAMAMOTO ShuraKHAN 200 grammi

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    • Pre-workout that combines real science with real ingredients for unreal results
    • One of the flagship products of the line thanks to its exclusive formula characterized by the presence of high quality ingredients
    • GlycerolMax Certification
    • Sustamine Certification
    • Certification Cognizin
    • Setria certification
    • A new "no stim" concept of intending explosive energy, voluminization and focus during workouts
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    EU3234363840424446USXX5XSSMLXLXXLXXLArm Length6161,56262,56363,56464,5Bust Circumference8084889296101106111Waist Girth6165697377828792Hip Circumference87919599103108113118

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    • Flash Shipping: In 24 hours if you order before 12pmFlash Shipping: In 24 hours if you order before 12pm

    ShuraKHAN is a pre-workout food supplement indicated for adult sportsmen who are preparing to perform intense physical activity. It is one of the flagship products of the line thanks to its exclusive formula characterized by the presence of high quality ingredients, such as propionyl L-carnitine, the dipeptide L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine (Sustamine), the reduced glutathione (Setria) and citicoline (Cognizin). Beetroot and rhodiola extracts have an antioxidant and tonic action respectively. ShuraKHAN is a new generation pre-workout. It is not the usual pre-workout of amino acids and stimulants. It is a new concept of intending explosive energy, voluminization and focus during training. ShuraKHAN combines real science with real ingredients to achieve unreal results. Supplement companies like to claim that they have created a true "game-changer". ShuraKHAN needs no hype or flashy marketing.

    With 9 selected ingredients, ShuraKHAN is a separate matter. Simply put, ShuraKHAN is the most effective pre-workout supplement Yamamoto has ever developed. It is built on solid science and years of professional experience. Nothing is hidden. ShuraKHAN is based on real research. It's pure pre-workout fuel. We live in an era of frenzy and of achieving maximum performance in all of our areas, which by now we often and willingly feel the need to "caffeinize" ourselves to have the best performance during our days. So we often arrive debilitated or sluggish to our workout that an "extra gear" is very often welcome. This is how all pre-workout supplements with stimulants (more or less legal depending on the country of origin) have become so fashionable, so much so that for many it is now more important to "feel" the adrenergic charge on them than the real effectiveness, quality of content and formulation of the product. We ride the various "claims" of the virtues that certain components have, speaking of a thermogenic, suppressive effect on the appetitive, of the powerful stimulation at a snowy-mental level, with greater focus to make the athlete a bloodthirsty shark .... but at what price? Are we sure that all this is so useful and the game is worth "the candle" or the side effects that certain supplements enriched with adrenergic substances can bring in the short and long term? Maybe a few extra kilos on the barbell, more grit, more resistance so welcome in the most difficult phases of a competition diet I fulfill, but "polluted" which will first of all lead to easy tolerance or excessive overstimulation of the adrenals with various effects on production of cortisol and other stress-related hormones, mood "down" phases, or accentuation of anxiety states, with tachycardia and easy tendency to dehydration, without forgetting that all this can extend to the sleep period, which can result easily disturbed. I have always been very opposed to pre-workout supplements that force the nervous system excessively, because I am aware of their mechanisms and targets of action and then their side effects. In my constant chats with professional athletes, both in bodybuilding and in combat sports, the need always emerges to have maximum performance, perceive work and muscle contraction with the best focus on training, especially in the toughest moments of preparation , but without excessive stimulation effects on the heartbeat, anxiety and sleep disturbances. The constant research and development work at Yamamoto has allowed the new SHURAKHAN to be born.

    From an already existing product of our range, I felt it should have something more so that it could be an exceptional product of its kind "no stim", which aimed at performance, favoring maximum blood flow to the muscles, maximum hydration, but above all giving better lucidity and concentration without alterations in the nervous system, thanks to a series of elements that make this product a new Yamamoto excellence. The new Shurakhan® is the first supplement that stimulates maximum muscle pumping with a nootropic effect, the result of the combination of the latest generation elements, formulated for the body builder or athlete who wants to maximize the vasodilator effect by bringing precious blood and nutrients to the muscles for a prolonged period even after training, keeping the muscle cells well hydrated and above all bringing that extra energy gear to the mental focus in training and... towards our goal. Thanks to the highly effective combination "Setria-performance®",patented Kyowa® based on Citrulline and Setria Glutathione already used by us in Yamamoto in the Kamikaze and Glycobol Ultra products, we will have a sustained and constant increase in muscle pumping, with a lasting effect even in the post-workout phase, allowing not only a maximum inflow of precious oxygenated blood rich in nutrients to the muscles, but an improvement of the same circulation and therefore of recovery also in terms of the removal of waste elements from muscular work. To favor this sustained muscle pumping, the powerful Propionyl-l-carnitine and beetroot extract will come together with their marked and proven effects on the stimulation of nitric oxide. By favoring a powerful and continuous blood circulation that will also last for a certain period after training, we will have oxygenated muscles and continuous nutritional enrichment, all in favor of a faster reconstruction. In order for the cell to maintain the Anatolian "construction" structure, it must be hydrated.

    Glycerol has been included in the "team" of active elements, in the form of HydroMax®, the most effective version that is very popular overseas, based on 65% glycerol and 35% silicon, highly more stable and dispersible in water than the previous monostearate version. The oral intake of HydroMAx® is rapidly absorbed and distributed through the intracellular spaces, increasing the recall of liquids in the blood and muscle tissues, thus counteracting dehydration during physical exercise, improving and prolonging the efficiency of the same performance and pumping muscle thanks to the increase that acquires the plasmatic volume. To further promote maximum cellular hydration, we could not miss Sustamina®, the dipeptide Alanyl-l-glutamine characterized by great stability with respect to its free form and absolute solubility. Also present among our products since 2015, we recall that glutamine in free form is rapidly degraded into ammonium when placed in solution and is poorly soluble, whereas alanylglutamine is extraordinarily soluble. Furthermore, free-form amino acids compete for their uptake with highly selective amino acid transporters, dipepeptides such as Sustamine are much more easily absorbed being favored by much less selective carriers (PEPT1) and by a lower energy expenditure, guaranteeing a much higher bioavailability. which translates into the ability to perform its precious functions not only as a "nutrient" for enterocolitis or towards the immune system, but in this case to promote cellular hydration thanks to the combination of this dipeptide which will significantly improve the increase in uptake of water and electrolytes at the cellular level, thus promoting the maximum potential of the anabolic environment. Speaking of maximum performance yield, an element that often characterizes pre-workout drinks is beta-alanine, a dipeptide made up of the combination of two amino acids L-histidine and Beta-Alanine under the action of the enzyme carnosine synthetase, then in skeletal muscle to be released by the enzyme carnosinase when needed. Its integration has been shown to be able to increase the concentrations of muscle carnosine and consequently attenuate the pH reductions induced by physical exercise, thus allowing a greater reuse of lactic acid for energy purposes, re-stabilising the muscle pH and delaying the inhibition of the enzymatic system following acidosis. What does all this mean? Which really allows us to sustain our training in a more prolonged and effective way with intensity and for a longer time.

    More work, more effective performance with less fatigue. But the most innovative part of this product is the introduction of Cognizin®, the prestigious clinically tested Kyowa patent based on Citicoline, which helps stimulate brain cells and, at the same time, optimizes the neuronal electrical impulses that activate thinking, improve memory, increasing attention span, making focus, concentration and the ability to make it last "sharper". Let's just think of the difficulty sometimes of perceiving the contraction of a muscle that we are working and perhaps due to lack of concentration, or due to an objective state of strong fatigue or depletion, we do not feel it working as we would like. Therefore it is evident how it can be an excellent help also for the athlete subjected to intense preparation as a psychophysical support. Furthermore, thanks to its different mechanisms of action,citicoline is the element that, better than any other, can promote the intense activity of repair and regeneration of brain cells. By increasing the synthesis levels of neurotransmitters, such as acetylcholine, it has antioxidant power and counteracts the decline of advancing age. It belongs to the modern class of elements called "nootropics", which are natural psychoactive substances as in the case of Cognizin® (but which can also be synthetic), which positively alter cognitive abilities and performance, bringing maximum focus as in the case of intense training, favoring the ability to optimize it without losing concentration, a phenomenon that can often occur in states of severe psychophysical tiredness of the pre-contest for example. Rhodiola is another component of the new Shurakhan, the well-known phytotherapeutic extract has been brought to fame as an adaptogen by Russian researchers who have highlighted its ability to increase the resistance of particular chemical and biological agents of our body, with a consequent increase in physical resistance and a sense of well-being. The adaptogenic properties of rhodiola, in particular, have been attributed to two of its active ingredients, para-tyrosol and salidroside. These influence the levels of some mediators in the brain and peripheral, cardiovascular and respiratory tissues and reduce the secretion of catabolic hormones such as cortisol.

    Among the most pharmacologically active compounds, there are also rosavin and phenols. The choice of using robiola in our new product is justified by scientific evidence on the mechanism of action of the active constituents. It has in fact been demonstrated that Rosavin, by activating an enzyme, adenylate cyclase at the level of fat cells, promotes the release of fatty acids from the blood. The mobilization of these determines an increase in energy substrate for the production of ATP which will be available for muscle needs. As a consequence, there is an improvement in physical performance and an increase in resistance to fatigue. Furthermore, Rhodiola boasts the ability to reduce the onset of DOMS (delays onset muscle soreness), after intense exercise, thus facilitating post-work-out muscle recovery, to reduce post concentrations of muscle damage markers such as myoglobin, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase, thus enhancing the much-cited myoprotective role and optimizing the mitochondrial energy flow, thus ensuring a better oxidized metabolism. The evolution of this new version of Shurakhan is the ideal choice for any athlete who in pre-contest or in any case in the phases of particular intensive building training, who wants to have that extra drive and mental and physical lucidity to optimize each repetition, each series, acting on several fronts in support of maximum performance and creating the best physical conditions for an excellent and prolonged pump, a more marked cellular hydration in support of a more prompt and effective muscle recovery, without having all the immediate negative effects (palpitations, tachycardia, dehydration and excessive anxiety) and long-term (negative action on the adrenal glands) of stimulants.


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    YAMAMOTO ShuraKHAN 200 grammi -

    YAMAMOTO ShuraKHAN 200 grammi

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